Tuesday 28 February 2012

What do I do with my spare time? Part one

Cats do sleep 16 hours a day, well that's a myth. I dose quite a bit but sleeping is not big in my busy schedule.
In the early morning hours I am bright awake, listen to all the noises that seep through doors and windows and of cause the rumbling of my tummy. I climb up the stairs my human has next to her bed (for me as I am too old to jump up on it) and start the task of getting her out of bed to feed me. I have a quick bite and then I settle down for a first of many naps. When the first light tickles my eyes I get up again and start to get vocal. A quiet meow is followed by a louder one and an even louder one. If that isn't getting my human out of bed I will climb up the stairs again and pull her arm with my paw. Usually I am pretty successful with that but sometimes she is really fast asleep and I have to use tougher measures like climbing on my human and using some pressure points that get her up quickly. If that fails there is always her husband who yells at me which wakes my human up and to keep the peace she gets up and we go outside.
There I will check who trespassed on my land, read the news and relief myself (mainly to warn others off not to step on my property). I watch the neighbours leave in their metal boxes and sometimes I get a rub along my spine from my human. I like that, it loosens itchy hair and my toes curl while the rest of my body relaxes. Then she yells at me too as I flopped down "in the middle of ant traffic", not that I really understand what she means by that. Well by that time I have enough of being outside (I am an indoor cat by trade but an adventurous outdoor cat by heart) and choose to go back inside. While my human is getting changed in what she calls "work clothes" I check my bowl, find it empty and come down the hallway complaining. I find my human in the bathroom and get told to wait. Me? Waiting? Who does she think she is? Nothing is more important than my belly and my wellbeing. to be continued...
More next time when I am between my naps, your feline