Sunday 11 March 2012

What do I do with my spare time? part two

Well, here I am again, friends of the furry felines,
where was I? Ah, yes, my human leaves in her metal box and I miss her... for about 5 seconds. Then I climb into her bed and curl up right where I can still feel her warmth and smell her scent. And I sleep and dream of all the adventures I could have... I wake up and check the parameter, I have a name to defend and I know that there is this tiny little creature behind the bookshelves (my human calls it a mouse), but I leave it be as I have a full food bowl and fresh water and some dry kibble which I am not really fussed on since my last visit to the vet. My teeth are not getting younger either... I am an old and wise cat!!! I look out into the backyard as my human leaves the noisy screens open a bit so I have some light in the house during the day. Nothing much going on out there, the weeds are growing and the wind is blowing gently. Sometimes I see some feathered brethren, but they fly away as soon as I scratch on the window glass. Then I walk back into the bedroom and curl up on a big padded envelope my human left there for me when I was having back pain and could not climb my stairs. I fall into a deep slumber and spend a short but intense time in dreamland.
I have to get up to get to my litter box, I should not have had that much water before, but I was so thirsty chasing that spider all over the hallway... my human likes all kind of animals so she has quite a few arachnoids living with us. They don't bother me, I usually don't bother them unless they are running right in front of me along the floor. That has ruffled my fur a bit so I have to sit down and give it a good grooming. I am very thorough with it and I try to stick to my routine, first the left paw then the right one, then over the face and over the ears and then the paws again. I have to turn around and lean against the wall to stretch out my leg and clean the under side of it. Trust me, with back pain that is not an easy task, but I am good in everything I do so I accomplish that as well. But my day is not over yet, so till the next time I will tell you more...
Your feline Fluser