Thursday 26 January 2012

Happy Australia Day!!!

Hi Feline lovers,
it all started this morning when I tried to get my human up to feed me. She absolutely ignored me, it did not matter what I did, meowing softly in her ear, walking over her, walking into the hallway as my voice echoes in there beautifully. All it did was arrousing my human's husband's ire. I know he wants to wring my neck (figuratively, as he would get into trouble with my human) and I guess I sometimes try my best to irritate him. Anyway, I probably did not think about both of them having what they call headaches and therefore ignored all the warning signs. My human slept in like till too long and her husband spent hours on end in front of the moving picture box (he says it relaxes him) while I tried to get some decent food and a way out into either the backyard or the frontyard. When she finally made an appearance, she went straight on that flip thing, then she got the usual "we go out" procedure and packed a bag and off they went. They left the light on, that means only one thing!!! They expect to return after sunset. How uncool. I am left to my own devices, with a bowl of food and (thank Bastet) a fresh water bottle. I haven't seen the mouse that lives behind the furniture but I can hear it. Not that it really bothers me because if I caught it they would expect me to do that all the time, "No thank you, not interested in that job...!" So I waited and eventually they rocked up again, even before the sun set. I am not a spiteful cat but my human should never have left me for she came home looking like a lobster, her back all red and radiating heat. It looks painful and I think we are in for a restless night. She usually knows better and is aware of the consequences but hey, I am only the cat and I could have told her so...
So have a feline Australia Day
yours Fluser

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