Saturday 21 January 2012

Oh weekend, why did you leave me?

Hello furball lovers,
how did you spent your holidays? Did you do the same as my human did? She had three weeks off work and spent almost all of those days at home. Some days she did not even get out of her pj. We cuddled on the couch or in bed and I was happy and content. I have to admit, she read a lot and I had my moments where I could have jumped out of my fur for I could not get her to get up and feed me or let me out when I felt like it, but just having her around was a delight. Most of the time my training her has paid off and I need only a soft "meow" to get her going. She also has kind of an understanding of my different sounds and realizes pretty quick what I want (not that I get it all the time).
Today though and mind you it is a saturday and weekend so to say, she and him went in the morning I don't know where and came home with a lot of stuff and it wasn't even for me. All things for her and his metal boxes! Well, I assume since they are using them all the time the metal boxes should be comfortable.
I was quite put out about it but she comforted me with bits of lamb from her lunch. Then, I had just cuddled up to her, settled down and fallen asleep, she was gone. What the..., I checked the bed room and here they were fast asleep in their own bed. How dare they leave me alone in the lounge room!!! Anyway, I calmed myself and settled with her again. She slept and slept and I needed to go outside and my food bowl did not have food in it (at least not some that I liked...), so I tried to wake her up. No chance, buddy. Happily snoring she totally ignored me! Aaaarggghh. Then her alarm went off. Still she did not get up, so I had to fork my claws out and gently oh so gently pull her blanket away and stretch the sleave of her shirt. Finally she got up and fed me. And then oh horror, shock and dismay she started a ritual that I terribly hate. Shower, good clothes and perfume can mean only one thing: she is going out!!! No, don't leave me. After all those lovely days and weekends, how can you?
Now I lay here in the dark on her bed and wait for her return. She will have all these different smells on her and will be chatting with him and then she will sit again for hours and hours in front of that flip thing. But I know deep down in my kitty heart that she belongs to me, just like I belong to her...
Your "waiting furball" Fluser

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